How does digital marketing affect export growth?

How does digital marketing affect export growth?

Today, the internet has turned our existence upside down and is embedded in every aspect of our daily lives. It is hard to imagine our daily lives without the Internet. Digital export marketing strategies are more important today than ever before. Today, many people around the world have access to the Internet and digital devices. This is good news for international businesses and companies, because it has become the goal of all small and large companies to offer their services and products worldwide. This way they can sell more and increase their profits.
In this situation, it is no longer possible to gain awareness and promote a company using traditional marketing tools. For this, marketing via digital platforms is successful, because customers, followers and buyers are always in contact with companies and can easily give feedback and contribute their ideas. When you respond quickly, you build trust and confidence with them.
Digital marketing is one of the marketing strategies that use the Internet and digital technologies such as computers, cell phones, and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. This includes not only email, social media and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messaging as a marketing channel.


What is digital export marketing?

Digital export marketing is a marketing term that focuses on international rather than local markets. In general, export marketing is a way for companies to sell their products and services abroad. However, there is an important distinction between products produced for the global market and those produced for a specific geographic area. For companies that produce for the global market, it may not be as difficult to offer their products to the global market because they work for a community with high statistical value. Conversely, those targeting one or more specific countries have a difficult road ahead. Digital marketing makes this difficulty easier for entrepreneurs, especially SMEs.
Online marketing allows exporters to test their markets internationally and target their export market in a less time consuming and cost effective way.
On the other hand, traditional methods of finding potential customers have disadvantages for exporters compared to digital marketing. In traditional ways, companies visit trade shows, search for export companies, or even set up physical businesses to expand into the export market. All these activities come at a high cost and if the exporter wants to enter new export markets, they have to invest a lot of time. With digital marketing strategies for export, exporters achieve their goals with less risk and cost.



How can digital marketing help exporters?

Digital marketing for an export company is a crucial form of marketing, especially because your target audience is in different geographical locations and the easiest and most effective way to reach them is through digital marketing. Nowadays, the digital world makes it very easy for businesses to communicate to international markets. Flexibility, lower costs, measurable results and the potential to instantly tap into a world of opportunities are just some of the benefits of digital marketing.
It helps business owners do their export marketing with less risk and also invest less time and money. In digital marketing:


– Quick access to competitor information: digital marketing supports export marketing and provides us with many valuable tools to gather information about international markets and also about competitors.


– Quick launch of products and services: It has become easier and faster to reach customers and business users in the global market. Compared to ten years ago, companies today have the ability to present and introduce their products within minutes. Digital marketing helps to make better decisions in product promotion and development and increase brand awareness among your target audience.


– Identify your target markets easily: Optimal marketing strategies are achieved by using digital tools and technologies to target specific markets and identify competitors. Businesses can achieve these goals with digital marketing strategies. Businessmen, sellers, buyers and potential customers can be easily found on online platforms as the whole world is connected through the Internet. Therefore, digital marketing is not limited to a specific country, and finding international customers has become a simple task that does not require any extra effort.

– Communicating with consumers in every region of the world: so we now have access across borders to a wide range of customers who could be our potential users and customers. Digital marketing makes communication easy to search, propose an idea, get feedback or provide the necessary information. Online marketing helps all exporters to find their target customers anywhere in the world and make significant profits by expanding their export marketing in a simple way.


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Export digital marketing strategies

A company that wants to export its products and services abroad should not underestimate the importance of the Internet. But how can digital marketing help the company grow? To do so, it is necessary to plan a strategy that can promote products and services abroad in the most effective way.
Effective digital export marketing strategies must first get off the ground, which can be a major challenge for companies. It’s important for companies to know where to start and what tools to use. The strategy outlines any specific requirements in terms of localization of digital assets, requirements for new payment methods, and content requirements.



Export digital marketing strategies


1. Data and reports are more important than anything else

Market research reports are critical for any company that wants to have a strong presence in global markets. Market reports for various products and in every industry related field are produced by websites like Statista.
Reports from trusted institutes are the most valuable options we have in hand to learn more about international markets, customer needs, product prices and even good ratings. Google Market Finder, Google Trends and Google Consumer Data Barometer are also used to collect various data. When you get reports on customer data and their interests, it’s easier than ever to plan optimal digital export marketing strategies.


2. Understanding a target audience to create effective communication

There are many factors to be successful in global markets. Analyzing customer behavior and their needs is an essential part of it. Adapting the marketing strategy to the characteristics of the target market affects the reputation of the company in the target markets because it can communicate with the target audience, and this adaptation is done through digital marketing. Other factors include market research, especially where exactly your target audience is, how specific their needs are, and whether the market is business or customer oriented, etc. It is important to sell your product or service where there is a need for it. Not only can a positive reputation be a tremendous asset in attracting customers, it can also give you access to other free and low-cost resources such as small business associations.


3. Identifying and analyzing competitors

Digital marketing can be used to quickly identify and analyze competitors. You can see competitors using google ads to promote their products. Google advertising services are often used by most active businesses in their respective industries.



4. Creating a brand identity

Digital marketing is useful for building a brand’s reputation in exporting and importing. Make sure to mention your brand’s website, logo and tagline in your signature to direct people to your website and increase brand awareness. Your brand awareness can be improved by sharing with your peers and building relationships with your partners. This can also help your brand make a name for itself and keep you up to date in the industry.


5. Multilingual website

The website is the heart of digital export marketing. In order to reach a target audience that is in a different location, your information needs to be accessible to them. The website helps all potential customers interact with the company and helps exporters find more customers through web search. One of the most important aspects of a website is ensuring its accessibility in the desired country. Another important aspect of a website is ensuring its accessibility for the country you are operating in. In the case of a non-English speaking country, make sure your website is multilingual by offering country-specific versions of the website. Get professional help for accurate translation of keywords and topics and create a database to send newsletters with your latest offers.


6. Keyword research

Keyword research is an essential part of digital export marketing strategies and shows how much interest there is in a particular product or service. For export companies, it is even more important to understand the international markets, it is very important to study the international market.
The good news for us in this day and age is that search engines have given us valuable tools. Keyword analysis in different regions and reports on people’s interest in products and services are now within reach. Here are some of the best keyword research tools you can use to find keywords: Google Ads Keyword Planner, Google Ads and Keywords Planner.

After a perfect keyword research, you will probably find a decent search volume for some keywords and topics. This shows that many people in that particular region have shown interest in the case and a product.


7. International SEO

After making sure of the market, search engine optimization (SEO) is the best long-term measure. At the heart of any online marketing, especially an import/export business, is good SEO. Investing in good SEO will help you find new customers faster, as your website will be much more visible online.
The most basic thing you need to consider for a good SEO campaign is well-chosen keywords and quality content based on them. These two things are the pillars of any SEO campaign. In addition, there are special backlinks that promote your content even better and refer readers to other articles on your website through internal linking.
While there are many strategies you can use to develop a high-quality and efficient SEO campaign, you should be aware that no matter how much effort you put in, you need to give your campaign time. It will take at least a few weeks or months before you start seeing results. A good SEO campaign is a long-term strategy and usually your website traffic will increase in a few weeks or even months.



8. Online activities and social networks

Setting up a website and social media accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. will attract more customers to the product you are trying to import or export. Your job of developing an online presence is not done with designing a website and running an SEO campaign. You need to stay active online! Perhaps join forums that are specifically for importers and exporters from around the world. These forums provide more interaction with like-minded people and help you stay relevant in the industry. You need to design and run paid google and social media campaigns to target potential customers who want to buy your product or service. Content marketing campaigns are also designed to provide value to potential customers. Running promotional campaigns is the fastest way to test markets for interest and generate leads and sales.
For exporters who are serious about their global export marketing efforts, using search engines is an extremely effective strategy. Many know how important digital marketing has become for exporters as an overall growth strategy. The problem is that with so many different tactics, it’s difficult to weigh which ones will provide the most benefit while minimizing costs.

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